Zagat Locations & Geographic Expansion

Where is the new Zagat currently active?

The new Zagat is first launching in Miami, Florida and will expand from there. Being part of the Zagat platform early on, you're helping define the experience at launch and on the eventual worldwide expansion.

Currently, venues can be searched for all of Florida, even though the focus is Miami. Feel free to take surveys for any and all restaurants you can find in the platform that you have dined at in the past year.

More regions of the United States, and the world, will be added soon!

Why am I unable to find a restaurant on Zagat?

Zagat uses Foursquare for its venue information. If you are unable to find a specific venue within Zagat, that is likely because that venue is not yet available on Foursquare. Zagat cannot add any venues to our platform unless they are already on Foursquare. 

To keep data fresh, there will be updates weekly to add new venues, but keep in mind when restaurants open, they take time to confirm features, hours, etc. so at the beginning the address, name, and category may be all that is available. If a restaurant recently opened then it may be unavailable to survey in Zagat right away. Check to see if the venue is in Foursquare and otherwise it will need to be confirmed there prior to being added to Zagat.

If you want to take action, you can either let the proprietors of that establishment know that you would like to see them on Foursquare’s platform, or you can even add them yourself directly to Foursquare. 
Please find instructions for adding a new venue, editing a venue, and claiming your business directly from Foursquare.
You can also email if you notice a restaurant not in the Zagat platform.

More information can be found in Support For Restaurants On Zagat.

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